Abroad Society

Thai Man Sleepwalks Out Of His Room On 5th Floor, Falls To His Death

Sleepwalking is a medical condition where a person walks around while still deep in slumber. While it usually is an unnerving sight for most people, it can also lead to devastating consequences if the person isn’t watched closely.

A man in Thailand unknowingly plunged to his death after he reportedly sleepwalked and subsequently fell from the fifth floor of a commercial building where he was staying at last Sunday (Aug 25).

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Thai man sleepwalks out of his room on 5th floor, doesn’t survive

According to Thai news outlet Kom Chad Luek, the victim was a 25-year-old machinist who lived inside a room located at the fifth floor in Bangkok.

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In a photo which has since gone viral on social media, it showed the man’s body slumped over the zinc roof which he fell on after sleepwalking his way over the ledge.

Furthermore, his room window didn’t have any safety bars or barriers in place, which could have prevented him from falling to his demise.

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Had the habit of sleepwalking

Residents who spoke to police following the tragedy said the victim often sleepwalked and talked in his sleep. One of them, who was related to the victim, added that it was something that occurred regularly.

This was later corroborated by the victim’s boss who had known him for two years, saying that the latter often told him stories of his sleepwalking.

This included an instance where he was in bed at his room at the fifth floor, only to find himself waking up inside a bathroom on the lower floor.

While the victim’s boss described the victim as a cheerful person who showed no obvious signs of stress, he said he told the victim numerous times about the dangers surrounding his sleepwalking.

Victim’s friend questioned by police

Based on information given by the victim’s boss and a vendor, the victim had a close friend who was constantly by his side and would always accompany him in buying food and drinks.

The friend has since been summoned for questioning by police at the Phra Ratchawang Metropolitan Police Station, where the investigation will look into uncovering the events that led to the victim’s untimely death, reported Bright TV.


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