
Rat Caught Feasting On Tandoori Chicken At Mamak Stall, Startles Diners

Mickey mouse is hungry.
A viral video has surfaced showing a rat indulging in a piece of Tandoori Chicken at a local mamak stall, horrifying diners who witnessed the scene.

According to a video shared to the Facebook group Malaysia Education Info, the rat was seen inside a chicken Tandoori stall, where several whole chickens were put on display on metal spits.

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Rat feasts on Tandoori Chicken

In the footage, the food stall appeared unattended, with no one guarding the roasted chicken or using any food covers to protect the dishes.

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The rat climbed onto the food rack and started licking the roasted chicken, while startled diners screamed as it later scurried under tables and chairs.

This allowed the opportunistic rat to sneak onto the rack and indulge in the food undisturbed.

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As it scurried under the tables and chairs afterward, diners could be heard screaming in the background, clearly startled by the unexpected intruder.

Despite the commotion caused by the rat, no staff members were seen attempting to chase it away or address the situation in the video.

The uploader did not provide details regarding the specific time, date, or location of the incident, leaving viewers to speculate about the restaurant’s cleanliness and food safety measures.

Watch the video here:

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