
M’sians Warned To Be Wary After Crocodile Gets Spotted At Shah Alam’s Section 7 Lake

The Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) is urging residents to be extra cautious when visiting the Section 7 lake in Shah Alam following reports of a crocodile sighting.

In collaboration with the Wildlife and National Parks Department (PERHILITAN) and the Environmental Health Department, MBSA is taking steps to address the situation.

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In a Facebook update, MBSA advised the public to stay vigilant during any recreational activities at the lake.

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The council has since cordoned off the area and placed warning signs to alert visitors about the potential danger.

The crocodile sighting was first shared in local Shah Alam community Facebook groups on 2 September, sparking concern among residents.

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MBSA has also set up traps around the lake in an effort to capture the reptile.

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