
M’sian Woman Seeks Public’s Help In Finding Uncle Who Came To Her Aid On The SUKE Highway

Her car's brake pedal became unresponsive, and this uncle stepped in to drive her car to a safer location.
In a heartwarming plea, a woman is reaching out to the public to help her find a kind-hearted uncle who came to her aid during a distressing situation on the SUKE Highway.
M'sian woman seeks public's help in finding uncle who came to her aid on the suke highway
Screenshot via TikTok/ shqn.s

Her story, shared through a TikTok clip, highlights the unexpected kindness she received and her desire to thank the stranger properly.

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On the day of the incident, the woman’s car broke down suddenly on the SUKE Highway, leaving her in a state of panic and distress.

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As she struggled with the situation, her car’s brake pedal became unresponsive, and she found herself unable to move the vehicle.

Uncle helped to drive the car to a safer location

One kind man stepped in to assist her.

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This uncle, who noticed her shaking and crying, offered to help by driving her car to a safer location.

Despite the high risk involved, he managed to navigate the vehicle down the highway, ensuring her safety.

His act of kindness didn’t stop there; he also advised her to stay in front of the car and not behind it to avoid potential danger.

The woman, deeply touched by the uncle’s selflessness, shared her experience online, expressing her immense gratitude.

@shqn.s TOLONG CARI UNCLE NI?! Hari yang aku ingat sampai bila bila. Shaking gelabah semua ada. Girls pandai mana pon kita cari duit hahaha kena ada ilmu pasal kereta rosak ni kena buat apa. Jangan jadi macam aku, gelabah semua tak tahu buat apa + orang hon rasa presure sangat. Alhamdulillah semua selamat. dikala negara kita banyak isu terjadi, hadir nya insan yang baik berhati mulia. Uncle where are u? #viralmalaysia #unclecinabaik ♬ suara asli – Sadness🥀 – 𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬🥀

However, in the chaos of the moment, she couldn’t get his contact information. Now, she is appealing to netizens to help her locate this good Samaritan so she can thank him properly.

In her heartfelt posts, she describes how this encounter restored her faith in humanity and how she’ll always remember the uncle’s face.

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Her call to action is simple: “Please use the power of the internet and help me find this uncle.”


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