
M’sian Woman Rescues Cat Which Was Left Abandoned & Shivering By Busy Roadside

Luckily, the cat is in good hands now.
A white cat was rescued from the side of a busy highway after a woman stopped her car to help.

Posted on TikTok by the user “@dianacatstudio,” the 90-second video captures the moment when the trembling feline was saved from the dangerous situation.

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Cat rescue

Cat rescue (1)
Image via TikTok/@dianacatstudio

In the video, we see a frightened cat beside a busy highway, with cars zooming past.

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A woman is seen trying to cross the road to approach the cat, but she struggles due to the heavy traffic.

When the woman finally reach the cat, the frightened cat quickly jumped into the carrier brought by the rescuer, who then took it to her foster care center for proper care.

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Cat rescue (3)
Image via TikTok/@dianacatstudio

A hotspot to abandon pets

The woman explained that the highway is located near a remote, forested area, often used by irresponsible owners to abandon their pets.

This stretch of road has seen frequent incidents involving animals being struck by vehicles, making the rescue all the more critical.

Netizens’ reaction

The post has garnered significant attention, with many viewers praising the woman’s kind actions and condemning pet abandonment.

Comments such as “Thank you for saving a life” and “You’re a hero” filled the post, highlighting the community’s appreciation.

Watch the video here:


Almost setiap hari nampak bangkai kucing kena langgar kat area yang sama.. jangan buang kucing please? Lagi-lagi kat jalanraya sibuk macam ni 😓

♬ Dj Love Is Gone Slow – DJ VIIX

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