
M’sian Woman Begs For Help In Finding ‘Buku 555’ As It Recorded Money Owed To Her

She also asked for help in finding a wallet given to her by her late grandmother.
A restaurant owner in Kota Bharu, 25-year-old Nurliyana Atikah Mohd Paridu, is desperately pleading for the return of her lost wallet, not because of the money inside, but for a simple ‘Buku 555’ notebook containing records of debts owed to her.

The young businesswoman explained that the small notebook was crucial as it listed the amounts borrowed by others, and its loss has left her deeply frustrated.

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Wishes to retrieve her ‘Buku 555’

Nurliyana Atikah further assured that she would not take any action against the person who returns her belongings, expressing her only wish to retrieve the notebook and the sentimental wallet that holds immense value to her.

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If anyone finds my wallet, please return it to the address on my IC. I don’t mind about the RM400 in cash, but that ‘Buku 555’ is the most important thing. Please have pity on me and return it,” she said.

Speaking to Sinar Harian, Nuryana revealed that aside from the notebook, what hurt her the most was the loss of a wallet given to her by her late grandmother a decade ago.

My grandmother passed away two years ago, and this wallet was a gift from her 10 years ago. It has a lot of sentimental value.”

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When asked how she lost the wallet, Nurliyana recounted that she was at a petrol station in Pasir Pekan with her mother, refueling their car. She believes she may have dropped it there.

“I immediately rode my motorcycle back to look for it once I realized it was missing, but I couldn’t find it anymore.

So, I had no choice but to turn to social media, hoping that someone would help me recover my notebook,” she shared.


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