Exclusive Society

M’sian Teacher Receives Veggie Bouquet From Students On Teacher’s Day

Doesn't matter the price, it's the thought that counts.
Yesterday, May 16, Malaysia came together to celebrate Teacher’s Day, a special occasion dedicated to honouring and appreciating the hard work and dedication of teachers across the nation.

The celebration was marked by students presenting their teachers with various gifts, a gesture that symbolises gratitude and respect.

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M’sian teacher receives veggie bouquet from students

Malaysian students gift veggie bouquet to teacher
Screenshot via TikTok/@misaikeli88

Teacher’s Day isn’t about how much the gifts cost, but the thought and effort behind them. This idea was perfectly shown in a viral TikTok video posted by Nur Sylvia Edan, a 30-year-old Bahasa Melayu teacher.

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The video features her primary students from Sekolah Kebangsaan Pos Bersih in Slim River, Perak, giving her a unique bouquet of vegetables wrapped in lerek leaves.

The gifts included an assortment of local produce:

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Tapioca shoots (Pucuk ubi)

Pucuk ubi
Screenshot via TikTok/@misaikeli88

Fern shoots (Pucuk paku)

Pucuk paku
Screenshot via TikTok/@misaikeli88

Torch ginger flowers (Bunga kantan)

Bunga kantan
Screenshot via TikTok/@misaikeli88

Bird’s eye chilies (Cili padi)

Cili padi
Screenshot via TikTok/@misaikeli88

Kuini fruit and egg mangoes (Buah mangga telur)

Screenshot via TikTok/@misaikeli88

In addition to the vegetable bouquet, Sylvia also received a frying pan.

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Frying pan
Screenshot via TikTok/@misaikeli88

These gifts, though modest, were rich in meaning and showcased the students’ creativity and thoughtfulness.

Despite their less privileged backgrounds, they still made an effort

Veggie bouquet, mangoes and frying pan
Screenshot via TikTok/@misaikeli88

Speaking to WeirdKaya, Sylvia shared her deep appreciation for the students’ gestures. She explained that in the past, teachers would often give students flower bouquets during various programs.

This time, the roles were reversed, with the students presenting the teachers with gifts wrapped in lerek leaves.

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“I greatly appreciate my students’ gifts,” she said.

“I was very touched because they wanted to give us something just like we always give to them.”

Sylvia expressed her affection for her students, emphasising the significance of their efforts.

“Honestly, we didn’t expect anything because we know they come from less privileged backgrounds. But they still made an effort to give us something. We are very moved,” she added.

‘This is the most touching’

Looking at the comments, many were touched by the students’ gesture.

Netizen comment
Screenshot via TikTok/@misaikeli88

One commenter said, “Among all the Teacher’s Day posts about gifts, I think this one is the best! We have a winner! It’s so wonderful and full of sincerity, even making a bouquet.”

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Netizen comment
Screenshot via TikTok/@misaikeli88

Another wrote, “Out of all the Teacher’s Day celebration videos, this one is the most touching.”

Netizen comment
Screenshot via TikTok/@misaikeli88

Another chimed in, “To all the teachers out there, please appreciate the students’ gifts, no matter how big or small. It’s their sincerity. Don’t belittle it, please.”

Watch the clip here:


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