
‘It’s Ridiculous!’ – M’sian Slams Hotels For Imposing 4pm Check-In Policy

At all hotels, there’s a specified timing where guests can check into or check out from the premises in order to give staff ample time to clean the room before it’s occupied.

A netizen recently took to social media to complain about how several hotels in Malaysia required guests to check-in way later while having to check-out much earlier.

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‘4pm check-in policy is absurd!’

In a tweet posted by Hakim H (@netnetwok), he wrote that if relevant parties want Malaysians to support local tourism, the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC) needs to intervene and look into the check-in and check-out policy imposed by hotels.

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Man getting hotel room key
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva

Checking in at 4pm and checking out at 11am is ridiculous to me. Or do we have to hold a boycott campaign against hotels that practice this policy?” he questioned.

Netizens express support

The tweet has since gone viral, where it garnered 1.3 million views and close to 6,000 likes at the time of writing.

Hakim’s view was largely supported by netizens, who also expressed frustration over having to check-in so late into the day but forced to leave when the day is about to begin.

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One questioned who actually monitors hotels that make such rules and called for the previous 12pm-12pm check-in/check-out policy to be reinstated,

'it's ridiculous! ' - m'sian slams hotels for imposing 4pm check-in policy comment 1
Screenshot via X

Another concurred, saying that the 4pm check-in/11am check-out policy was “too much”, prompting Hakim to remark that it was driving Malaysians to vacation at Thailand instead.

'it's ridiculous! ' - m'sian slams hotels for imposing 4pm check-in policy comment 2
Screenshot via X

Another netizen argued that since Malaysia had moved on from the Covid-19 pandemic, it was time for hotels to bring back the standard 12pm check-out and 2pm check-in timing.

'it's ridiculous! ' - m'sian slams hotels for imposing 4pm check-in policy comment 3
Screenshot via X

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