Exclusive Society

M’sian Praised For Sharing Rambutans With The Public, Puts Up Sign Telling Them To ‘Take It For Free’

So generous!
We all know that “sharing is caring” is more than just a sweet saying—it’s a recipe for spreading joy and making life a bit sweeter.

Whether you’re sharing your last slice of pizza or a warm smile, these little acts of generosity can really make someone’s day.

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‘Anyone who wants to eat (rambutans), can take it’

Free rambutan sign at gombak roadside - july 2024
Screenshot via TikTok/@amirsyazal

Recently, a TikTok video featuring a local resident’s generous gesture has been making waves online.

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The clip, shared by @amirsyazal, shows him and his friends picking rambutans from a tree planted by a thoughtful homeowner along the roadside.

What’s truly a-peeling about this story is that the homeowner had hung a sign saying, “Free fruit, anyone who wants to eat can take it. (Pole is by the tree),” and even provided a long pole to help reach the higher branches.

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This act of kindness turned an ordinary tree into a community fruit stand. People were excited to grab and enjoy the ripe rambutans, and the video quickly became the talk of the town.

Speaking to WeirdKaya, Amir, the video poster, shared that the incident took place in the village of Kampung Gua Jering, Pulau Pinang.

He also revealed that the homeowner is a newcomer to the area, making the act of generosity even more heartwarming.

Free rambutan sign at gombak roadside - july 2024
Screenshot via TikTok/@amirsyazal

Comments on the video were overflowing with praise for the homeowner, with many sending well wishes and expressing their delight at such a sweet gesture.

Netizen comment
Screenshot via TikTok/@amirsyazal

One commenter wrote, “It’s great to make others happy… hope the rambutan tree owner is blessed with good fortune and health always. Amen.”

Netizen comment
Screenshot via TikTok/@amirsyazal

Another had a playful reminder: “Don’t forget to leave some for the squirrels, poor things are probably watching and seeing no fruit left.”

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Netizen comment
Screenshot via TikTok/@amirsyazal

And another person chimed in with a heartfelt note: “Mashallah, how kind-hearted the rambutan tree owner is. Even wrote a memo. May his blessings multiply. If only durian orchards gave away fruit like this too. That would be great!”

Watch the clip here:


semoga tuan pokok dimurahkan rezeki

♬ bunyi asal – amirsyazal – amirsyazal

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