
M’sian Parents Willing To Invest In SJKC Air-Conditioned Classrooms Due To Superior Facilities

"If you must suffer, don't let it be at the expense of your children; if you must be poor, don't let it be at the expense of education."
In Malaysia, there’s a noticeable gap in the facilities between Chinese national-type primary schools (SJKC) and national schools.

SJKC schools offer air-conditioned classrooms and various extra classes like Islamic studies and computer classes, but national schools don’t have these perks. This raises the question: why is there such a difference?

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Classroom sjk(c) choong wen kl
For illustration purposes only. Photo via SJK(C) Chong Wen KL

Recently, Fakta Bukan Auta on X shed light on this issue, attributing the discrepancy to the willingness of parents to pay additional monthly fees beyond the annual tuition.

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“Have you ever wondered why some Chinese primary schools have air conditioning in their classrooms while others don’t? And it’s not just that. Some of these schools also offer extra classes every month, like tuition, Islamic studies, and computer classes.

The reason is the difference in fees – both annual and monthly. That’s why people who value education choose to send their kids to these schools.

Budget allocated for sjkc facilities
Photo via X/@faktabukanauta

Interestingly, despite calls from some political leaders for the abolition of SJKC, it has been revealed that prominent figures like PAS president Tan Sri Hadi Awang and many PAS MPs choose to enrol their children or grandchildren in SJKC.

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‘There are visible improvements in SJKC every year’

This revelation has prompted discussions among parents, particularly those with children in national schools.

One concerned father expressed his willingness to pay extra monthly fees for amenities like air conditioning, questioning why similar initiatives are not implemented in national schools.

Netizen comment
Screenshot via X/@faktabukanauta

“Why don’t national schools do this? I don’t mind paying RM10-30 a month for extra classes with air conditioning. Is it because there aren’t enough teachers? Or is there another reason?”

The sentiment resonates with others, as evidenced by various comments on social media. Parents with children in SJKC schools attest to the visible upgrades and high standards offered by these institutions. Many highlight the disciplined environment and quality education as reasons for choosing SJKC over national schools.

Netizen comment
Screenshot via X/@faktabukanauta

“As a father of 3 kids in SJKC, I see visible improvements in the school every year. The money we pay is worth it. The education quality is high, and discipline is strong. That’s why more Malaysians are choosing SJKC for their children, without any religious influence.”

Moreover, the proactive approach of SJKC schools in generating income has been noted. From annual donation drives to special fundraisers for school facilities, these schools adopt a mindset of self-reliance rather than waiting for government assistance.

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Netizen comment
Screenshot via X/@faktabukanauta

“SJKC knows how to make money. They have donation drives every year involving students. They also hold special drives to build school halls. These halls are rented out for weddings and badminton events, bringing in income. They believe in self-reliance, not waiting for the government.”

Netizen comment
Screenshot via X/@faktabukanauta

In Chinese community, there’s a saying: “If you must suffer, don’t let it be at the expense of your children; if you must be poor, don’t let it be at the expense of education.” This means parents prioritise education and are ready to sacrifice for their children’s future.

Read the full post here:

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