
M’sian Men Found Sitting Inside Women-Only Coaches Will Be Fined, Warns Transport Minister

You've been warned.
In a bid to provide a safe mode of transport for female passengers, the government introduced the women-only coaches, trains that can only be occupied by females and not of the opposite gender.

Unfortunately, there have been multiple cases of men ‘trespassing’ into these coaches despite clear, pink signage showing that it’s specially reserved for the ladies, much to frustration of female passengers.

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Mrt_women's coach 3_putrajaya line
Photo by WeirdKaya

Anthony Loke: Men found inside women-only coaches will be fined

Following a spate of incidents involving men encroaching on these female coaches, the government is looking to take drastic measures to curb the problem and send a clear message that such behaviour will not be tolerated.

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Speaking to reporters at a press conference yesterday (Aug 14), Transport Minister Anthony Loke said that he was aware of complaints regarding men parking their behinds inside women-only coaches.

While he admitted that there are currently no rules penalising men who sit inside women-only coaches, he revealed that his ministry is coming up with a law which will impose a form of fine against such individuals.

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Anthony loke talking about men sitting in women-only coaches
Screenshot via FB/Astro Awani

To all the males, have some respect lah. With the women’s coaches available, please respect them. But of course, we know there are some who will still disobey the rules.

While the law is in the midst of being drafted, Loke said that auxiliary police will be placed on duty more often at railway and MRT stations to ensure no male passengers sit inside the women-only coaches.

Loke’s announcement comes at the heels of a viral video which showed a man getting into a heated argument with a woman who chided him for being at the women-only coach:

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