
M’sian Man Shocked To See Sardine Fried Rice Skyrocket From RM7.80 To RM9.30 In A Day

That’s a difference of RM1.50 in just 24 hours.
When you head to your favourite restaurant for a comforting plate of sardine fried rice, the last thing you expect is a price shock.

But that’s exactly what happened to El Ukasyah, a regular customer at a restaurant in Bandar Sri Permaisuri, Kuala Lumpur.

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A difference of RM1.50 in just 24 hours

His experience quickly went viral on Facebook, raising eyebrows and sparking debates about rising costs and transparency in pricing.

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Imagine this, you pay RM7.80 for your go-to sardine fried rice on one day, only to return the next and find it costs RM9.30. That’s a difference of RM1.50 in just 24 hours.

You’d probably do a double-take at the receipt too.

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El Ukasyah found himself in this exact situation. What’s more curious is that other items on the menu, like the fried egg, stayed at RM1.90.

And the cashier? The same person who rang up the order the day before, their name clearly displayed on the receipt.

Trying to make sense of the sudden jump, El Ukasyah jokingly suggested that maybe the price is linked to the stock market—a tongue-in-cheek remark that resonated with many.

It wasn’t long before the post caught fire on Facebook, with people chiming in to share their thoughts. The reactions were a mix of shock, frustration, and humour.

Netizen comment

One commenter didn’t hold back, suggesting that El Ukasyah report the incident: “You might want to report this to KPDNKK. The price went up in just one day, and the restaurant could get into trouble for it.”

Netizen comment

Another user tried to add some levity to the situation, joking,“Maybe they were just out of the cheap sardines that day.”

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Netizen comment

Others expressed frustration with what they see as a common issue:“A lot of restaurants don’t show clear prices. Yesterday’s price could be different from today’s. If the price changed over 1-2 years, that would make sense.”

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