
M’sian Man Praises MAS For Helping Him Retrieve Tablet He Left On The Plane

He shares that the crews are friendly and helpful.
A netizen recounted a heartwarming experience in which he recovered his tablet thanks to the helpful and friendly crew of MAS Airlines.

Yat Omar, the grateful passenger, detailed his ordeal on the Malaysia Airlines group after realizing he had left his device on the plane seat.

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Crew members quick to help

He only discovered the absence of his tablet upon reaching the baggage claim area.

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In a serendipitous turn of events, as Yat retraced his steps back to the plane, he encountered several crew members who recognized him from the flight.

They quickly directed him to counter A4, where he could retrieve his lost item.

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“As I was rushing back, the crew members saw me and shouted that my tablet was at counter A4,” he shared in his post.

Friendly and helpful spirit

Found his lost tablet
Image via FB/Malaysia Airlines

Upon arriving at the counter, the netizen was met by crew leader Shariza and other ground staff, who had safeguarded his tablet.

They not only returned the device but also took the time to chat with him, helping to relieve his anxiety about the lost item.

“I am very grateful for the beautiful service provided by the Malaysia Airlines staff,” Yat expressed.

Netizens’ reaction

The story quickly gained traction on social media, with many users echoing the netizen’s sentiments and praising Malaysia Airlines for their exceptional service.

Comment mas cabin crew great job
Image via FB/Malaysia Airlines
Comment everything perfect
Image via FB/Malaysia Airlines
Mas the best
Image via FB/Malaysia Airlines

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