
M’sian Lorry Driver Shocked By Chicken Flying Into Windscreen & Shattering It

Hit by an Unexpected Flying Object (UFO).
A lorry driver was left stunned when his windshield was suddenly shattered by an unexpected flying object—a chicken.

The driver later reviewed his dashcam footage and discovered that the culprit was indeed a chicken, leaving him bewildered by the bizarre incident.

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Windshield shattered by the chicken

The Malay driver shared the dashcam video on the “DashCam Malaysia” Facebook group, showing the moment when the chicken unexpectedly flew into the lorry on the highway.

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The encounter with the chicken completely shattered the windshield, fortunately, no injuries were reported.

Chicken crash into windshield (3)
Image via FB/DashCamMalaysia
Chicken crash into windshield (2)
Image via FB/DashCamMalaysia

“I don’t know what to say. You (the chicken) are not a bird, you don’t need to fly. Just walk or run on the road, don’t try to compete with the crows.” The driver humorously remarked in his post.

He further described the chicken’s flight as resembling that of an eagle hunting its prey, but sadly, the chicken became the unfortunate victim and did not survive the impact.

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The video timestamp shows the incident occurred around 8:08 a.m. yesterday morning.

Watch the full video here:

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