
M’sian Delivery Driver Gives Students A Ride Back to Uni After They Missed The Bus

How much they charge per KG for this?
A delivery driver and her colleague became unexpected heroes when they helped 11 university students who had missed their bus, earning widespread praise.

The delivery driver, who goes by @solehahardz on TikTok, shared a heartwarming video of the incident.

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The encounter happened outside a mosque in Taiping on a Friday afternoon, right after the midday prayers.

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Delivery student with cargo van
Image via TikTok/@solehahardz

Students missed their bus after Friday prayer

According to the netizen, the students had attended Friday prayers at the mosque but missed their scheduled bus back to the university.

She described the experience as unforgettable for herself, her colleague, and the 11 students.

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With no other transportation options available, the netizen and her colleague offered the students a ride back to campus.

However, due to the nature of their vehicle, the students had to sit in the cargo area usually reserved for packages.

Delivery student with cargo van
Image via TikTok/@solehahardz

Delivering students

“The cargo area was quite hot, but they didn’t have many choices since they missed their bus,” she said. “We decided to help them as best as we could.”

Adding a humorous twist to the situation, she joked that while delivery drivers typically transport packages, this time they were “delivering” 11 students to their destination.

The TikTok video captures the joyous moment when the group reached the university, and the students climbed out of the cargo area.

The scene was filled with laughter and relief. The unique experience even prompted the university’s security personnel to request a group photo with everyone involved.

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Watch the video here:

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