Fun Exclusive

M’sian Dad Pouts & Runs Away In A Huff After Son Tells Him To Walk Home

Alolo ~
We’ve all seen kids sulking, but this time, the tables have turned, and a Malaysian dad has played the ultimate Uno card reversal on his family.

It all began when this father, picking up his child from school, found himself in an unexpected sulk after his son, Uwais, showered his mother with hugs but ignored him.

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Sad man walking
Screenshot via TT/ndibsy

What followed was a delightful twist of events that has captured the hearts of netizens.

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In a TikTok video shared by @ndibsy, the wife detailed how the moment unfolded.

After picking up Uwais from school, the little boy gave his mother all the hugs he had in him.

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Noticing the lack of affection towards him, the dad asked, “Why don’t you want to hug me?”

To which Uwais cheekily replied, “I just want to hug Mum.”

Taking the teasing in stride but feeling a bit put out, the dad said, “So, Mum and Uwais can ride in the car, and I’ll just walk home.”

To everyone’s surprise, Uwais responded with an enthusiastic, “Okay, Dad, walk home!”

The dad, visibly stunned by the cheeky reply and disappointed by the lack of a hug, decided to show his own form of sulking.

After stopping at the mosque for prayers, instead of heading back to the car, he started walking away and then broke into a run.

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A man running
Screenshot via TT/ndibsy

His wife, following behind in the car, called out to him, but in the end, he just kept running.

The 56-second video shows the dad making a playful escape, running along the side of the road with his wife trying to keep up in the car.

Speaking exclusively to WeirdKaya, the wife shared that her husband had actually intended to run all the way home but was eventually persuaded back into the car by his son.

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“My son managed to convince him to come back and give him a hug,” she revealed.

She also mentioned that her husband loves to joke around and sulk with their children.

A man running along the roadside
Screenshot via TT/ndibsy

Netizens were amused

This video has since garnered over 800,000 views with over a thousand comments from the netizens.

“First time seeing a husband sulking,”

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M'sian dad pouts & runs away in a huff after son tells him to walk home
Screenshot via TT/ndibsy

“Usually, it’s the woman who sulks and walks away.”

M'sian dad pouts & runs away in a huff after son tells him to walk home (3)
Screenshot via TT/ndibsy

“In a way, he’s creating the best memories for his child to remember.”

M'sian dad pouts & runs away in a huff after son tells him to walk home (2)
Screenshot via TT/ndibsy

Watch the full video here:


Cerita dia lepas pickup anak dkt school, uwais hug umi dia je byk. Dia tanya la kenapa tak nak hug abi? Uwais reply “nak hug umi je”. Dengan buat muka merajuk dia pun cakap “umi dgn uwais je la naik kereta, abi jalan kaki je balik rumah” Si anak ni pun kaki menyakat so uwais reply la “okay, abi balik jln kaki tau”. Mau tak terkedu abi dia dengar jwpn mcmtu selepas dikecewakan anak tak nak peluk 🤣. Lepas dr tu tiba2 dia stop kat masjid nak solat, kita call nak suruh naik kereta. Last2, dia pi lari pulak…

♬ original sound – ndibsy – ndibsy


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