
M’sian Calls For Boycott Of English, Science And Maths, Claims That None Of Them Are Useful

In an increasingly globalised world, it never hurts to pick up an extra language to learn as it can potentially open future doors in terms of one’s career or help to build connections with others.

A man recently went on a bizarre call for certain subjects to be boycotted, where he alleged that none of them proved to be useful for one’s future.

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M’sian calls for boycott of English, Science and Maths

In a post shared to the Facebook group Rakan Pesara Tentera on Aug 5, the netizen who went by the name of ‘Dunia Hanya Sementara’ wrote the following in capital letters: ‘A campaign to boycott English. Tell your kids not to learn English!’

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If you think this is the only subject that the man’s calling to be boycotted, it seems that he isn’t quite done as he has an axe to grind with two other subjects.

In a separate post, he turned his ire towards Science and Maths, where he alleged that neither subject proved to be beneficial for one’s academic future.

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Maths & Science are subjects that don’t bring any benefits! Educate your kids about it, make sure they’re not interested in the subjects.”

To top the bizarre rant off, the man even attributed the call to boycott Science and Maths to “a wise old man”, but it’s not known whether he was referring to himself or someone else.

‘Are you serious?!’

Naturally, the man’s call to boycott English, Maths, and Science was widely mocked by netizens, who couldn’t help but to laugh at his level of ignorance.

‘Whoever wrote this is actually seeking for attention. Please don’t make yourself look like an idiot when doing so!’

M'sian calls for boycott of english, science and maths, claims that none of them are useful comment 1
Screenshot via FB/Rakan Pesara Tentera

‘There’s something definitely wrong with his brain.’

M'sian calls for boycott of english, science and maths, claims that none of them are useful comment 2
Screenshot via FB/Rakan Pesara Tentera

‘He (the OP) probably stopped being a soldier after being on the Medical Board for Mental Illness.’

M'sian calls for boycott of english, science and maths, claims that none of them are useful comment 3
Screenshot via FB/Rakan Pesara Tentera

Some also told the man to tell his own children to boycott the subjects he mentioned instead of imposing his own beliefs on others.

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M'sian calls for boycott of english, science and maths, claims that none of them are useful | weirdkaya
Screenshot via FB/Rakan Pesara Tentera

What do you think of the man’s proposed ‘boycott’? Share with us in the comments!


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