
M’sia Ranked 14th In Average Penis Size Among Asian Countries, One Spot Behind SG

Banana fact among Asian countries. 🍌
Let’s tackle the elephant in the room—or should we say the worm? Penis size is a hot topic often blown out of proportion by media and pop culture.

While it’s fun to talk about, it’s important to remember that there’s so much more to relationships and attraction than just physical dimensions.

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Sure, some folks have preferences, and curiosity about how one measures up is only natural. But for most people, it’s not a deal-breaker.

M’sia ranked 14th in average penis size among Asian countries

However, for those who love rankings and stats, here’s a fun nugget: according to @seasia.stats, Malaysia is holding its own in the rankings for average penis size among Asian countries.

Average penis size among asian countries - july 2024 stats
Photo via Fb/Seasia Stats

Malaysia claims the 14th spot with an average erect length of 11.49 cm, sandwiched between Singapore at 13th place with 11.53 cm and Vietnam at 15th place with 11.47 cm.

Leading the pack is India with an average erect length of 13.71 cm, followed by Afghanistan at 13.69 cm, and Japan in third with 13.56 cm.

Other Southeast Asian countries like Thailand, the Philippines, Myanmar, and Cambodia also make the list, with Cambodia taking the bottom spot.

For a broader context, Psychology Today offers some enlightening stats:

  • The typical flaccid penis is about 3.5 inches long. Interestingly, smaller flaccid penises tend to grow more during erection than their larger flaccid counterparts.
  • Only 1 percent of men worldwide boast a penis longer than 8¾ inches.
  • Around 70 percent of men worldwide have a penis measuring 6¼ inches or less, fitting into the small to average size category.

The long and short of it? These stats might be fun to discuss, but they don’t define a person’s worth or appeal.

What really matters is confidence, mutual respect, and the quality of relationships. After all, it’s not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean that makes waves.

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