
Lift Footage Shows Slipper Placed Between Door Was What Caused 2 M’sian Boys To Be Stuck For 9 Hours

The auto-lock system activated when the slipper was detected, causing the stoppage.
What initially seemed like a routine elevator malfunction turned out to be a tale of unexpected consequences when two children found themselves trapped for over nine hours.

The incident, which occurred on August 19, quickly went viral, raising concerns about the safety of residential elevators.

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Slipper placed between door was what caused 2 M’sian boys to be stuck for 9 hours

At first, reports suggested that the children were stuck due to an ongoing maintenance issue with the elevator.

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However, newly released CCTV footage reveals a different narrative, one where human error played a pivotal role.

Lift footage shows slipper placed between door was what caused 2 m'sian boys to be stuck for 9 hours
Screenshot via Fb/Gee Seri

The two children entered the elevator on the ninth floor of their building around 2:13 PM. Everything seemed normal until the elevator stopped on the seventh floor, where the doors opened, but no one entered.

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Lift footage shows slipper placed between door was what caused 2 m'sian boys to be stuck for 9 hours
Screenshot via Fb/Gee Seri

That’s when one of the children, wearing blue slippers, decided to place his right slipper between the closing doors—a move that would soon have serious repercussions.

As the elevator continued its descent and reached the fourth floor, the child pulled back his slipper.

Lift footage shows slipper placed between door was what caused 2 m'sian boys to be stuck for 9 hours
Screenshot via Fb/Gee Seri

This action triggered the elevator’s safety mechanism, causing it to stop abruptly.

What was initially thought to be a technical failure was actually the result of an unintentional act of vandalism.

Subsequent reports confirmed that the elevator had been functioning properly until the child interfered with the doors.

The auto-lock system, designed to prevent accidents, activated as soon as the object (the slipper) was detected, leading to the prolonged stoppage.

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Watch the clip here:

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