
“Kita Satu Bangsa…” Najib Reshares 1 Malaysia Song, Touches Netizens Who Miss His Era

Najib also updated his FB profile picture.

While in the midst of uncertainties of the new government, our ex-prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s Facebook is active with several posts updated to urge Malaysians to stay calm and the most recent post was the 1 Malaysia ‘theme song’s music video.

The video shared has garnered over 7k likes, more than 600 of comments at the time of writing.

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In the post, he commented “Bertenang, Malaysia. Keamanan, Kemajuan, Kestabilan. Keep calm, Malaysia. Peace, Progress, Stability” followed by the lyrics of the song.

“I miss 1 Malaysia”

Hearing the nostalgic song, many Malaysian netizens were commenting how they miss the era Najib was governing the country.

“1 Malaysia is the nicest patriotic song among all.”

“I miss 1 Malaysia slogan.” “I miss Najib era.”

“Reminds me of the prosperity of Malaysia last time.”

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