While in the midst of uncertainties of the new government, our ex-prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s Facebook is active with several posts updated to urge Malaysians to stay calm and the most recent post was the 1 Malaysia ‘theme song’s music video.
The video shared has garnered over 7k likes, more than 600 of comments at the time of writing.
In the post, he commented “Bertenang, Malaysia. Keamanan, Kemajuan, Kestabilan. Keep calm, Malaysia. Peace, Progress, Stability” followed by the lyrics of the song.
“I miss 1 Malaysia”
Hearing the nostalgic song, many Malaysian netizens were commenting how they miss the era Najib was governing the country.
“1 Malaysia is the nicest patriotic song among all.”

“I miss 1 Malaysia slogan.” “I miss Najib era.”

“Reminds me of the prosperity of Malaysia last time.”