
Indonesian Woman Hilariously Tumbles Into Carp Pond After She Loses Her Balance

No carp were harmed in the video.
A woman was spotted standing in the middle of a pond, surrounded by numerous carp, when an unexpected mishap occurred.

In a video posted on TikTok, the woman attempted to squat down and touch the water but lost her balance in the process.

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Fall backward into the Pond

The video shows the woman initially standing calmly, surrounded by a large number of colorful carp swimming around her feet.

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She appeared to be enjoying the moment and decided to squat down to get a closer look at the water and fish.

Woman fall into carp pond (3)
Image via TikTok/@dezeter73

However, as she crouched lower, it became evident that she was struggling to maintain her balance.

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As she bent down, her footing gave way, and she suddenly sat down in the shallow water.

But the situation worsened when, unable to stop her momentum, she fell backward, submerging herself entirely in the pond.

Save by the one who is shooting the video

The woman’s fall caused quite a splash, startling the fish and leaving her drenched from head to toe.

Thankfully, the incident was short-lived as the person filming the scene quickly jumped into action.

The person rushed to the woman’s side, extending a hand to help her out of the water. After a few moments of struggle, the rescuer successfully pulled the woman to safety, saving her from what could have been a more serious accident.

Watch the full video here:

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