
Indonesian Policewoman Sets Husband On Fire For Gambling 13-Month Bonus Away

She handcuffed her husband to a ladder before setting him ablaze.
While it’s common for married couples to have arguments with each other over different matters, it’s not everyday that you’ll read of one setting their partner on fire in the process.

A policewoman in Indonesia was so overtaken by rage due to her husband’s gambling habits that she doused him in gasoline before lighting a match, resulting in him suffering burns to his entire body.

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Indonesian policewoman sets husband on fire for gambling his bonus away

According to reports by CNN Indonesia and Tempo, the couple were identified as 28-year-old Brigadier Fadhilatun Nikmah and her 27-year-old husband Brigadier Rian Dwi Wicaksono, who had the habit of wasting his money away on online gambling.

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On June 8, Fadhilatun brought a bottle filled with gasoline back to their house at a police dormitory and sent a photo of the bottle to Rian, along with the threat of burning their three children if he failed to come home.

She then told the babysitter to bring her children to go play outside.

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When Rian came back, Fadhilatun questioned him over how he spent his 13th-month bonus salary as she saw that it only had 800,000 rupiah (approx. RM230) remaining.

The bonus was first received by Rian at the beginning of the month and was worth 2.8 million rupiah (approx. RM806). However, Rian had reported wasted it on online gambling.
Man gambling on his handphone
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva

An argument then broke out between the couple and Fadhilatun proceeded to handcuff Rian to a folding ladder in the garage and poured gasoline all over him before setting him ablaze with a match.

Suffered burns to 96% of his body

As the fire continued to spread, Rian screamed out in agony and tried to escape but couldn’t as his path was blocked by a car and his hand handcuffed to the ladder.

A neighbour who heard his screams rushed over and helped put out the fire. An ambulance subsequently arrived and performed first aid on Rian. At the same time, the incident was reported to the top brass in the police force.

Although Rian was sent to a hospital in East Java and underwent intensive treatment, he eventually succumbed to the injuries which ravaged 96% of his body and died on Sunday (Jun. 9) at 12:55pm.

Detained by police

As for Fadhilatun, she is now being detained at an Integrated Service Centre, according the Head of Public Relations of the East Java Regional Police Dirmanto as reported by Detik.

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Dirmanto added that one of the factors why Fadhilatun wasn’t held at a detention centre was the fact that she had three young children.

The suspect has three children under five who must be looked after, [and there are] special rights for children in accordance to the law.”

In light of the traumatic incident, the children will receive psychological assistance as well.


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