CommunityCerita Exclusive

I’m A Lawyer Who Was Bashed For Defending A Child Abuser. But It Didn’t Stop Me From Doing What Lawyers Should

"The best of people are those who bring benefit to others."

Exclusive Story by WeirdKaya – Reproduction requires proper crediting and backlink to us. Kindly acknowledge the efforts of our editors in sourcing and conducting interviews.

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In today’s fast-paced world, careers are anything but one-dimensional. People often find themselves exploring various avenues that merge their professional skills with entrepreneurial ventures.

In this mix, individuals like Muhammad Aidil Akmal bin Sharidan are the real deal, effortlessly rocking both a top-notch legal gig and their own business ventures. Their stories? They’re a peek into how careers today are all about wearing multiple hats and seizing every opportunity that comes your way.

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Meet 27-year-old Aidil, who was born and raised in Perlis. He’s all about passion, determination, and not giving up. From juggling a legal career to his own mango business, he’s a true go-getter.

Aidil akmal sharidan, a lawyer and harumanis entrepreneur
Provided to WeirdKaya

Here’s his story of how he transformed from a reluctant law student into a successful lawyer and mango entrepreneur based on one tenet alone – staying true to himself.

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Torn between personal interest & parents’ expectations

Aidil’s story begins with his fascination for business, which first sparked during his high school years.

Despite coming from a family of educators who hoped he’d follow in their footsteps, Aidil had his sights set elsewhere. After completing high school, his parents kept pressuring him into become a teacher. But fate had other plans.

Instead, Aidil took the leap and pursued a Bachelor of Law degree at UiTM.

Aidil akmal sharidan, a lawyer and harumanis entrepreneur  at law faculty, uitm shah alam
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After completing his studies, Aidil delved into the legal scene with a two-year pupillage at Nurul Hafidzah Associate, where it specialised in civil and criminal litigation. Fast forward to four years later, he’s now a seasoned criminal lawyer at Fadhli Sutris and Associates.

But this is where Aidil’s story gets interesting. How does a lawyer end up knee-deep in a mango business? Well, it all started with a fateful offer to study law, leaving Aidil torn between his love for business and his parents’ expectations.

“Up until that point, I was making good money selling harumanis mangoes. But that all changed when I received an offer to study law. Feeling torn, I poured my heart out to my mom, who insisted that I stick to my studies.

“Devastated, I ran away from home and sought solace at my school until dawn. When the morning came, I made a bold decision – I’d pursue law, but selling mangoes will not take a back seat either,” he said.

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Earned up to RM80k in a few months

You might wonder how Aidil manages his dual roles. Well, it’s all about time management and dedication. From pre-dawn mango packing sessions to courtroom showdowns, Aidil’s days are jam packed. But his love for both worlds is what keeps him going.

Aidil akmal sharidan, a lawyer and harumanis entrepreneur
Provided to WeirdKaya

But how did Aidil’s love for harumanis mangoes blossom into a full-fledged business? It all started with a few mango trees planted at his backyard merely for fun.

But as time passed, what began as a hobby morphed into a serious enterprise. Today, Aidil boasts over 200 harumanis mango trees in his hometown, which has since fueled a thriving business.

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Aidil akmal sharidan, a lawyer and harumanis entrepreneur
Provided to WeirdKaya

Mangoes have a short shelf life, so selling them quickly is crucial to avoid waste. Despite the challenges of selling by the roadside, I encourage others to consider the harumanis business.

“You can earn between RM70,000 to RM80,000 in one season, where each box is sold between RM90 and RM110. It’s a rewarding opportunity.”

‘One step away from hell’

Unlike his mango business, Aidil’s legal career isnt’ as rosy or uplifting as he often faces harsh realities that are usually overlooked in the world of criminal law.

Aidil akmal sharidan, a lawyer and harumanis entrepreneur
Provided to WeirdKaya
“Many people think lawyers are profit-oriented and often say that we are one step away from hell because we defend people whom they assume are guilty. But to me, being a lawyer is more than a job; it’s a lifeline for those trapped in injustice’s grip.”

Aidil recounted an instance involving a mother falsely accused of aiding a drug dealer. In a system often rigid and unforgiving, Aidil’s decision to offer her pro bono services embodied the essence of being a lawyer.

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“When she was released, she cried tears of relief, and on the drive home, she offered me a TV and a washing machine as she couldn’t afford to pay. I declined.

It’s not about showing kindness. As lawyers, it’s about fighting for justice. We should use our knowledge to help more people. I’ll always remember this quote: ‘The best of people are those who bring benefit to others out there.'”

Aidil also dismissed the misconception that lawyers are filthy rich and constantly rolling in cash.

“While some lawyers do well financially, that it’s not the case for everyone as some are truly driven by a genuine desire to help and not just to make a quick buck.

For me, it’s not just about chasing after money. What really matters is being good at what you do and genuinely helping others. Real riches come from the satisfaction of making a positive difference in people’s lives.

“If you become a lawyer just to be rich, then you’re mistaken. But if you become a knowledgeable and skilled lawyer, you won’t need to seek out clients. Instead, they will come to you,” he said.

Defending ‘monsters’

Out of all the cases he has handled so far, Aidil said those involving child abuse took a particularly heavy emotional toll on him.

Aidil akmal sharidan, a lawyer and harumanis entrepreneur  with clients
Provided to WeirdKaya

The public scrutiny and backlash he faced, especially on social media, left him questioning why he was chosen to handle such contentious cases. The experience was deeply unsettling, with netizens creating false narratives and hurling insults at him and his colleagues.

“I faced a tough time when I handled a controversial case of child abuse that grabbed national attention. As a lawyer, it’s our duty not to judge our clients, but public scrutiny became overwhelming.

“Netizens dug into my personal life that I shared on social media and constantly hounded me over my integrity. All because I was handling a high profile child abuse case.

It was hurtful and unjust. My intention was always to fight for people’s rights, but the backlash was relentless. We were unfairly criticised and insulted, which was disheartening.

“One time, I offered to treat my colleagues to lunch after a Raya event. However, one of them said, ‘No, your money is haram. You’re assisting the child abuser in this case.’

“I thought it was a joke, but it wasn’t. Those words still haunt me,” reminisced Aidil sadly.

‘If I don’t do it, who will?’

When asked if he ever felt like giving up during his law career, Aidil admitted to having moments of despair when the weight of tough cases brought him to tears.

Aidil akmal sharidan, a lawyer and harumanis entrepreneur
Screenshot via Ig/@aidilakmal_

However, he quickly reminded himself of the essential role he plays in fighting for justice on behalf of his clients. He sees his work as a mission to help the oppressed and misunderstood, driven by a deep commitment to advocate justice for all.

“I’ve had moments of breakdown where I cried because the cases were tough. But then I asked myself: ‘If I don’t help my client, who will?’ They need me. That’s what keeps me going.”

Looking ahead, Aidil aspires to become a policymaker to effect positive changes in the country’s laws. He believes that reforming legislation is crucial, especially in areas like drug trafficking where current laws seem ineffective.

“To improve our laws, we need to address issues at the parliamentary level. There’s a problem with our laws; we pass one, but 10 more emerge. Despite laws prescribing the death penalty for drug traffickers, people aren’t deterred. We need to reform our laws.”

The best of people are those who bring benefit to others

Aidil’s advice for those considering juggling multiple careers is simple yet profound: prioritise making a positive impact on others.

Aidil also stresses the importance of seeking knowledge, guidance from mentors, and establishing systematic approaches to daily tasks. By following these principles and maintaining faith, he believes anyone can navigate the complexities of managing multiple careers successfully.

” Regardless of your career,  remember that the first thing is to be a person who benefits others.”

“To succeed, we need knowledge, mentors, and systems. Seek guidance from experienced individuals, don’t hesitate to ask questions, and establish effective routines. Have faith in the blessings of each day and manifest your goals through prayer, ” he concluded.

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