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I’m A Full-Time Digital Marketer Who Became The 1st M’sian Commonwealth Champion In Powerlifting In South Africa

He went from not knowing about powerlifting to lifting his way to victory!
It’s not every day that you meet someone who juggles a demanding career with an intense passion for sport, but Kenneth Kaden Chin Yu Wai has proven that it’s more than possible.

As a full-time Assistant Digital Marketing Manager hailing from Kuala Lumpur, Kenneth has just returned from South Africa after being crowned the Commonwealth Powerlifting Champion in the u59kg Open Category, a milestone achievement that makes him the first Malaysian to hold the title.

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Kenneth after being crowned the commonwealth powerlifting champion in the u59kg open category
Photo via White Lights Media

This was the result of years of dedication, hard work, and, as Kenneth puts it, “a passion that’s grown stronger with time.”

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‘Never thought I’d become champion’

Kenneth attempting the national record deadlift 240. 5kg
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

When Kenneth first stumbled upon a powerlifting competition between 2017 and 2018, he had no idea that it would become a life-changing moment.

“I didn’t even know what powerlifting was at first,” he said. “I was just walking around a mall and saw this small competition happening.

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What really caught my attention was the support the competitors were getting from the crowd – it was electrifying. That’s when I thought to myself, ‘I want to try this.’

Despite being a fitness enthusiast since 2009, powerlifting was a completely new challenge for Kenneth.

“It felt like another level of fitness. And I was just looking to have fun and gain experience,” he explained.

Looking ahead to the present, Kenneth is not only an experienced competitor but also the Commonwealth Champion with a record-breaking total lift of 545kg in the u59kg category.

Adding even more pride to our nation, he also won Silver in Squat, Gold in Bench Press, and Gold in Deadlift, which ultimately secured his Overall Gold Medal.

Nearly threw in the towel

While Kenneth’s journey sounds nothing short of inspiring, it hasn’t always been smooth sailing.

During the Southeast Asian Cup in 2020, he faced one of the most heartbreaking moments in his career.

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“I was expected to win, but I ended up finishing last. It was a really tough time for me. I seriously considered giving up on powerlifting altogether,” he recounted with a visible sense of disappointment.

However, the unwavering support of his family and friends helped him push through those dark times.

Kenneth acknowledges much of his drive to his family, especially his sisters. “They taught me to never take anything for granted and to put my full effort into what I love,” he said.

Kenneth's sisters (teresa chin - left, sabrina quigley chin - right)
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

“They were the ones who kept encouraging me to continue even when I doubted myself. Thanks to them, I managed to overcome that setback and I’ve made tremendous progress since then.”

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A turning point in his journey

At the beginning of his journey, Kenneth didn’t have a professional coach to guide him.

“I was self-coaching when I first started, just trying to figure things out on my own,” he revealed.

But after deciding to take his performance to the next level, Kenneth hired Clinton Lee, the President of Powerlifting Singapore, as his coach.

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“Under Clinton’s guidance, I made great progress,” Kenneth said, crediting his coach for helping him refine his technique and reach new heights.

Coach clinton and kenneth
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

Juggling passion & profession

Kenneth also had to balance his full-time job with an intense training schedule. Though it wasn’t easy, but Kenneth somehow found a way to make it work.

“Luckily, my digital marketing job doesn’t require me to work overtime, so I often head straight to training after work.

Kenneth talking with someone in the phone
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

Sometimes it means training until late at night, but I don’t feel pressured because I love what I do.

“While many might wonder if I plan to leave my job to focus on powerlifting full-time, my answer is clear – I don’t see myself resigning anytime soon. My job is flexible, and I enjoy it just as much as powerlifting,” he said.

Commonwealth record & beyond

Kenneth’s victory in South Africa was monumental, not just because of the title but also because he broke the Commonwealth u59kg Open Total Record with a 545kg total lift, making him the first Malaysian to achieve this.

But that doesn’t mean that he’s resting on his laurels anytime soon.

“I was actually aiming for an even heavier total, but travel fatigue and pain from the long journey affected my performance. I know I can do more, and I’m already looking forward to the next challenge,” he said.

Despite his triumph, Kenneth remains grounded, acknowledging that powerlifting is still a relatively unknown sport in Malaysia.

“Powerlifting isn’t an Olympic sport, so we have to self-fund our competitions,” he explained. “It’s not easy, but we’re hoping that with more awareness, the government might offer more support in the future.”

For those considering getting into powerlifting, Kenneth has a simple message: “It’s not about competing against others – it’s about self-betterment.”

“Powerlifting sparks a passion for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you’re interested, don’t hesitate. The community is incredibly supportive,” he added.

With his sights set on the World Championships, Kenneth’s drive to push his limits and break new records remains as strong as ever.

For now, Kenneth is taking a well-deserved moment to appreciate his victory and reflect on how far he’s come.

Furthermore, he also expressed his gratitude to Hansu Power Malaysia for being a huge backbone throughout his Commonwealth journey, sponsoring him with a full competition kit that included his singlet, knee sleeves, footwear, and more.

This digital marketer, who is now a record-breaking Commonwealth Champion, has not only made Malaysia proud but has also proven that with passion and a never-give-up attitude, anything is possible.


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