
I Left School At 12yo To Pursue My Personal Interests & I’ve Just Finished A 405km Walk To JB

He decided to start the journey as he was bored and says its easy.
Education is undeniably important as it serves as the foundation for one’s future and inevitably shapes the course of their life. However, the traditional path might not be the right fit for everyone, with some finding fulfillment in unconventional ways.

Meet Nathanael Lau, an inspiring young adventurer who recently completed a remarkable 405km solo walk from Semenyih to Johor Bahru over the course of 19 days.

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Nathanael lau in his trekking attire
Screenshot via TikTok/@nathanael_lau

We had the chance to sit down with him to talk about the events that led him to embark on such an ambitious venture as well as his decision to stop his studies altogether at an age where most would consider to be crucial.

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Dropped out at 12yo

In an exclusive interview with WeirdKaya, Nathanael said he was brought up in a homeschooling environment and soon grew accustomed to the personalised approach in pursuing his studies.

However, when he got enrolled in a private school, it quickly became apparent to him that this conventional path wasn’t suited to his aspirations.

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Because of this, I made the decision to drop out of school at the age of 12 to carve out my own educational journey which would give me the freedom to explore my passions and interests.

Nate sitting near the trees
Provided to WeirdKaya

“As I grew older, I began to develop a deep connection with nature and found myself immersed in outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling.

“My love for the outdoors not only kept me physically fit, but also fueled my desire to constantly push my limits and challenge myself with new and demanding experiences,” he said.

An unplanned journey

Largely thanks to Nathanael’s constant desire to undergo challenges that test his physical limits, he eventually found himself on an incredible feat of walking all the way from Semenyih to Ayer Hitam, Johor Bahru.

When asked whether he had long planned to undertake the 405km walk, Nathanael said it was a spontaneous decision born out of boredom, adding that he only spent one week in preparations.

Nate on his hammock
Provided to WeirdKaya

“The only supplies I carried with me during the walk were a few changes of clothes, a sleeping bag, a hammock, and a portable stove.

“Despite the limited supplies, I was determined to embrace the challenge and experience the journey in its purest form,” he shared.

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Nathanael also documented his entire 19-day walk on his TikTok account, which quickly gained widespread attention and support from netizens.

Nate with his gear on
Screenshot via TikTok/@nathanael_lau

“I simply did the videos for fun and had no idea it would gain this much attention. All I wanted to do was to encourage others to pursue their passions, embrace the unconventional, and find their own path to fulfillment,” he admitted.

‘It was an eye-opening experience’

Nate then went on to share what went on during his 405km walk to JB, one which he described was filled with both challenges and heartwarming moments.

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“To be honest, I’m not a very motivated person, which made it difficult for me to wake up early in the morning and get moving each day. The lack of motivation was one of the unexpected challenges I faced in my journey.

“Another obstacle I faced was my limited budget, where I had to be resourceful in finding food along the way as I had limited money on hand.

“While it was definitely a struggle, I managed to cook most of my meals and this has taught me a valuable lesson in self-sufficiency and the importance of preparation,” he said.

Nate walking at night
Screenshot via TikTok/@nathanael_lau

Despite the hardships, Nathanael also experienced some truly memorable moments, where countless strangers offered him help when they heard he was walking to JB.

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“Many people offered me rides when they saw me walking along the road and while I appreciated their offers, I declined as I was committed to completing the journey on foot.

Nevertheless, these encounters have reinforced my belief in the goodness of people and added a heartwarming element to my challenging adventure,” he said.

Nate walking near the highway
Provided to WeirdKaya

He also called his journey easy and would suggest it to beginners who would like to go for a long distance walk. Throughout his walk, he has also lost 5kgs.

Not his first rodeo

Although Nathanael had no prior experience in long-distance walking, he is no stranger to tests of physical endurance.

Two notable examples was when he successfully cycled for 700km across Taiwan and him scaling Mount Arjuno Welirang in East Java, Indonesia. These adventures have since given him a strong sense of confidence in facing upcoming challenges.

“My confidence was also bolstered by the support of my parents, who are well aware of my adventurous spirit and determination.

Nate reaching johor bahru
Provided to WeirdKaya

“Having seen me tackle demanding physical feats in the past, they trusted my judgment and threw in their full support when I decided to embark on the 405km walk.

“For me, their encouragement is crucial as I’m ready to set out and push my limits once again. Even though I still may not have enough experience to do so, I believe my resilience will see me through.”


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