Society Fun

“Green tea bit*h!” DJ Leng Yein slams YouTuber Diorlynn Ong over false allegations

*Grabs popcorn*

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KUALA LUMPUR – Malaysian DJ Leng Yein and YouTuber Diorlynn Ong have been in the news lately over a spat that has spilled over to social media and fueled fiery debates. It all started with them exchanging verbal barbs over a lawsuit that took place in 2019.

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According to Leng Yein’s Facebook post, she was sued by Diorlynn for defamation, who demanded that she pay a compensation amounting to RM500,000. The case was finally settled in January of this year, with the judge ruling in Leng Yein’s favor and ordering Diorlynn to pay a court fee of RM20,000.

However, Leng Yein claimed that Diorlynn was dragging her feet over the payment for at least a month and even ignored the WhatsApp messages sent by her lawyer. In response to Leng Yein’s accusations, Diorlynn took to her Instagram and posted an IG story to clarify that she did not owe any money. It was quickly put to rest after Leng Yein showed proof of the court ruling and WhatsApp screenshots.

In response, Diorlynn posted a 14-minute YouTube video and accused DJ Leng Yein of mentioning her name during a recent Facebook live session which made her uncomfortable. She further explained that the case was handled by a Malay judge who was unable to understand the “green tea b***h” accusation in the context of the Malay language, causing her to lose the case. She also reiterated that she did not do any thing that had hurt her ex-boyfriend, fellow YouTuber Khen Chua, and accused him of having an affair during the course of their relationship.

Don’t be a person full of lies (and) sh*t and don’t try to act/pretend to be such a good or kind person when you are not! Don’t be a green tea b***h!”

Leng Yein quickly pointed out that Diorlynn had falsely accused Khen Chua of infidelity when they were together back in 2015, claiming that Diorlynn was involved in an affair with Wilbur Ng, another Malaysian YouTuber, which led to him breaking up with her. Leng Yein also said that Diorlynn had been harassing Khen Chua even after he married her.

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On Monday night, Khen Chua posted a video on YouTube and publicly denied all of Diorlynn’s allegations, saying that he was the victim in their relationship. He also said she drove to his house once and begged him to stay while hugging him as she couldn’t accept the fact that the relationship was over.

You can get a glimpse of his response in the video below:

Background of the story

In April 2019, Diorlynn posted an IG story explaining the reasons she broke up Khen Chua, Leng Yein’s current partner. In response to the story, Leng Yein posted a few IG stories of her own and called Diorlynn out for the misleading accusations, prompting the latter to sue for defamation.

"green tea bit*h! " dj leng yein slams youtuber diorlynn ong over false allegations
(Screenshot via FB/Leng Yein)

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and is a compilation of public opinions on the subject matter. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of WeirdKaya.

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Source: FB/Leng Yein, FB/ Diorlynn Ong, Youtube/Leng Yein
Editor: Raymond Chen
Proofreader: Sarah Yeoh

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