Current Affairs Society

Azalina recites ‘frog’ poem insinuating party-hopping MPs in parliament

A poem for the frogs

KUALA LUMPUR – Party-hopping MPs have been creating drama and contributing much to the political instability of our country in the past two years.

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Pengerang MP Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said from Barisan Nasional came up with a Bill to establish an “Anti-Party Hopping Act” and urged for its expedition in Parliament today.

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Azalina recites 'frog' poem insinuating party-hopping mps in parliament | weirdkaya
Photo via RTM

The “Frog” Poem

Along with her speech, she recited an original poem in parliament to insinuate the MPs who were hopping parties.

The poem reads:

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“Lompat si katak lompat (Jump frog jump)

Lompat di dalam perigi (Jump in the well)

Lompat jangan tak lompat (Jump, don’t stop jumping)

Nanti tak sempat menjadi” (Before it’s too late)

Let the people choose

However, she added that some MPs were forced to change parties.

“While some MPs hopped willingly, some were forced to do so because they were expelled from their party.”

Thus, Azalina suggested the recall election mechanism.

“Let our people vote whether they still want the MPs who hopped party to serve them.”

In addition, she said that since the government and Pakatan Harapan signed a memorandum for political stability, the establishment of the “Anti-Party Hopping Act” should be in line with the principles of democracy.

You can watch it here:

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Cover Images via RTM

Author: J.W Chan
Proofreader: Sarah Yeoh

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