Current Affairs

Anwar: Matriculation Spots Will Be Given To All M’sians With 10As In SPM

However, this will not affect the existing 90% Bumiputera quota.
With SPM done and dusted, students are now looking into which public or private university to go to further their studies and forge their career path.

However, there’s also the yearly heartbreak that comes with not being able to into a public university despite scoring stellar results. In light of this situation, prime minister Anwar Ibrahim has unveiled some good news for those seeking to gain a Matriculation spot.

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M'sian students at a classroom
Photo via Juice Online

M’sians with 10As in SPM to given a Matriculation spot

Speaking to a crowd at the National Training Week (NTW) 2024 in Bukit Jalil National Stadium yesterday (June 30), Anwar said that students who score 10As and above for SPM will guaranteed a spot at matriculation colleges nationwide.

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He added that this new mechanism was approved during a Cabinet meeting and will come into effect when the 2025 intake rolls around.

He also assured that all Malaysians regardless of racial background will be given an equal opportunity to secure a spot at matriculation colleges.

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Anwar announcing matriculation spots
Screenshot via FB/HRD Corp

All of our children, when I say children, I mean Malay, Chinese, Indian, Dayak, Kadazan and all without exception. If our children scored 10As and above or obtained excellent results, without any exception, they will get a place. This is an assurance from the government.

“With this in place, the issue of racial tensions will be eased. The Education Ministry (MOE) and Higher Education Ministry (MOHE) will collaborate to further smoothen out the method and will announce its implementation soon,” he said.

Current Bumiputera quota will not be affected

Following Anwar’s announcement, Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil wrote in a Facebook post that the existing 90% admission quota for Bumiputera students will not be affected.

According to FMT, racial quotas for admission to public universities were abolished in 2002 but the 90% Bumiputera quota and selected foundation courses being reserved exclusively for Bumiputeras still remains to this day.

This is due to Article 153 in the Federal Constitution, where the Agong is to “safeguard the special position of the Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate interests of other communities”.

Under Article 153, this includes a set quota for Bumiputeras to gain access to civil services, public scholarships and education.

What do you think of Anwar’s announcement? Share with us in the comments!


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