Exclusive Society

63yo M’sian Man Does Push-Ups & Bodyweight Exercises After Few Rounds of Hiking

In a scene straight out of an inspiring fitness video, one 63-year-old man has surprised young netizens bumped into him on the Sri Bintang Hill Trail.

The man known as Michael, who hikes the Sri Bintang Hill Trail often, was spotted by a group of hikers who were amazed by his fitness routine.

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After completing a few rounds of hiking, he casually dropped down and started doing push-ups, followed by a series of bodyweight exercises, all with ease and perfect form.

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63yo m'sian man does push-ups & bodyweight exercises after few rounds of hiking | weirdkaya
Photo provided by reader

Uncle power la!

The video show him performing these exercises effortlessly.

The netizens who encountered Uncle Michael couldn’t help but strike up a conversation with him.

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They were curious about his fitness regimen and how he maintained such remarkable strength at his age.

Michael shared that he has been dedicated to maintaining an active lifestyle for the past 30 years. He started hiking in his 30s and has since conquered many big mountains.


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