
20yo M’sian Man Dies After Crashing Into Cow That Suddenly Crossed The Road

The cow didn't survive as well.
Tragedies can happen at any moment and in the most unfortunate circumstances, where the victim has no time to react in order to save themselves.

A young man in Kuantan sadly lost his life after he rammed his motorcycle into a cow that suddenly decided to cross the road and never had the opportunity to swerve out of its way.

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M’sian man dies after crashing into cow

According to NST, the unfortunate incident involved a 20-year-old man named Mohamad Daniel Asraf Abdul Zahir, who worked as a food stall helper.

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Kuantan police chief Assistant Commissioner Wan Mohd Zahari Wan Busu told the English daily that Daniel was riding his Yamaha motorcycle from Tanjung Lumpur towards his house at Kampung Cherok Paloh prior to the accident.

Kuantan police chief assistant commissioner wan mohd zahari wan busu
Photo via Utusan

“While riding along the straight road, a cow suddenly crossed and caused the victim to lose control of his bike before crashing into the cow.

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“The victim suffered severe injuries and died on the spot in the 9pm incident. The cow didn’t survive the crash either,” he said.

Daniel’s remains was later taken to the Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital for post mortem and the case is currently being investigated under Section 41(1) of the Road Transport Act of 1987.

Man killed in crash with cow in kuantan
Photo via Sinar Harian

Our condolences to the victim’s family for their loss and to all drivers, please be extra careful when out on the road at night!


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